Pool Preparation, and Other Things.

Well, twice in the same month, I’m on a roll 🙂

Is it too early to break out the pool and get it set up? (does pool water need to set for a time before its swim-able? Is that even a thing??) I ask because this is the first year I have ever owned a pool that isn’t 7 inches deep tops. That’s right, I finally have a swimming pool, and I could not be more thrilled about it. We have some landscaping to do for it, but other than that, all that needs to happen is the weather has to warm

Aside from the pool excitement, I’m working my way through a photojournalism class, and have been reintroduced to my least favorite part of photography; people. I am the worst at asking people if they mind being photographed, talking is not a strong suit of mine at all. So, I utilize family members, much to their dismay because they figured it was a one time gig 😛 My next class starts up in a couple of weeks, and it’s a lighting class. I’m in the process of getting a lighting kit, and holy moly. I haven’t really considered myself a professional photographer, I haven’t made any money off my work yet, but the lighting kit, even though its a beginner’s kit, its a large step in the professional direction. I’m both excited and nervous to set the thing up when it gets here, and I’m not a big fan of using light that isn’t natural in photos; the excitement will probably wear off directly after the first flash 😛

I haven’t been keeping up with the photo challenge I’d set as a “resolution” for the year, but instead just take self portraits sporadically, and so far, the best one I’ve done was for a photo history class where I had to recreate an image. The recreation and the self portrait I took look a lot different, I worked more in the editing process for the final, but I’m proud of them both all the same.

So, in closing this post, I leave you wonderful readers with a picture of me instead of my pets, and in the next and following posts, there will be a mix of all of that, and thank you again for reading,



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